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Deltrian : air filtration

Since I’m French, my Wallonia manifests itself through the fact that I work in a multinational Belgian company located in Fleurus.

It’s been 5 years now, and I defend with conviction the expertise in the filtration sector specific to Deltrian.

Beyond this, nowadays, working in a company with real human values is something really important.

This know-how is exported to several European countries. Indeed, Deltrian is the second filter supplier in France and the fifth European manufacturer.

It’s good to be at Deltrian. True we have to work a lot, like everywhere. But our CEO listens to us.

The company isn’t perfect, like all other companies, but the atmosphere is good and friendly.

We just celebrated the half-century of existence of the company. Since its foundation, Deltrian has moved into DEL technology and new advances in the filtration sector.

We’re fine at Deltrian; I’ve been working for other companies for 30 years, so  I can compare.























































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