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Opening: 14.02.2021,

In Cassel, during the 14th Documenta in 2018, art enthusiasts from all over the world were able to witness a disturbing spectacle. Smoke was rising continuously from the top of the tower of the Fridericianum. What looked like the start of a fire was actually a Daniel Knorr installation. Shortly before, during the first part of this Documenta in Athens, the artist had become an archaeologist of daily life, collecting discarded artefacts and rubbish from the streets of the city, which a huge waste press then transformed into catalogues, unique pieces that the artist made available for sale to visitors. Daniel Knorr is considered a master of semantic diversions and an artist of participation. It is often difficult for visitors not to feel involved in his works. And it is not uncommon for the artist to give them an active role in his works. So each person who was worried at the sight of this smoke and called the Cassel fire brigade took part in this ephemeral work which principally survives in the stories that perpetuate it.

In collaboration with the Kunsthalle in Tübingen, the IKOB - Museum of Contemporary Art presents Daniel Knorr's first exhibition in Belgium.
