The platform's objective is clear, namely to bring together suppliers of innovative solutions and buyers of technologies on the fringes of major international events.
Initiated during CES 2019, the French-speaking Village now brings together partners from different cities and regions in Europe, Africa and North America. It provides buyers with a concrete global offer based around overarching themes such as Tech4Good, Tech4Life, Tech4Business, Tech4Cities, etc. through pitching sessions and interventions during which sector and technology groups decipher all the global trends. Wallonia, a founding member very involved in this collective, has also set up a specific studio at TRAKK in Namur.
The platform, already deployed at events such as CES, BIO, SXSW and Hannover Messe, is being used again for Viva Technology, which will take place from 16 to 19 June in Paris. The themes chosen jointly by the French-speaking territories will revolve in particular around sport, health, artificial intelligence, blockchain solutions and innovative technologies linked to tourism, sectors in which Walloon companies are particularly innovative.
On the programme are five busy days from 14 to 18 June, during which more than ten pitching sessions will offer dozens of concrete solutions on various themes. There will also be three legal decoding sessions on the law of smart cities, the law of new business models and the law of smart health.
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