The Best Belgian Beer of Wallonia, organised by the APAQ-W unveiled its 2016 winners.
The Breweries of De Ranke in Dottignies, Légendes in Irchonwelz and the Les Trois Fourquets in Gouvy were the big winners at the event and each left with two beers winning awards. The first, a few kilometres from the linguistic border impressed in the fruity category with its Kriek and in the moderately strong blonde category with its Guldenberg. Its Hainaut counterpart, the Brasserie des Légendes proclaimed its Goliath Triple as the best strong blonde while its organic Quintine also won an award. The Trois Fourquets saw its Lupulus dark named best strong dark with its Christmas beer Hibernatus winning best strong stout.
Staying in Luxembourg and remaining with stouts, the Ardenne Stout from the Bastogne brewery gained recognition in the moderately alcoholic section. Lienne Noire won best light stout. The following beers also won awards: in the darks Elfique (Aywaille), in the ambers, Botteresse (Saint-Georges-sur-Meuse) and Sarazen (Deseveaux, Dour), in the light blondes, Surfine (Dubuisson, Pipaix) and in the whites, Marie Blanche (Brasserie de la Lesse, Eprave). Brunehaut's organic tripel beer also featured among the winners.
This biannual competition aims to promote and recognise the best Belgian beers brewed in Wallonia and sold directly by the breweries. Ninety-five craft beers from 29 breweries competed, including 56 new beers compared with 2014, highlighted the APAQ-W (the Walloon agency for promoting quality agriculture).
Source : l’Echo
Bière blanche :
"Marie Blanche" - 5 % vol.
Brasserie de la Lesse - Eprave
Monsieur Norbert Buysse
Bières blondes :
"Surfine" - 6,5 % vol.
Brasserie Dubuisson - Pipaix
Madame Sylvie Vanden Hautte
"Guldenberg" - 8 % vol.
Brasserie De Ranke - Dottignies
Monsieur Nino Bacelle
"Goliath triple" - 9 % vol. et "Quintine bio" - 5,9 % vol.
Brasserie des Légendes - Irchonwelz
Monsieur Pierre Delcoigne
"Brunehaut Triple bio" - 8 % vol.
Brasserie de Brunehaut - Brunehaut
Monsieur Marc-Antoine De Mees
Bières ambrées :
"Sarazen" - 6,5 % vol.
Brasserie Deseveaux - Boussu
Monsieur Sébastien Deseveaux
"La Botteresse ambrée" - 8,5 % vol.
Brasserie La Botteresse - Jupille-sur-Meuse
Monsieur Georges Schrouff
Bières brunes :
"Elfique Brune" - 8 % vol.
Brasserie Elfique - Aywaille
Monsieur André Grolet
"Lupulus brune" - 8,5 % vol.
Brasserie Les 3 Fourquets - Courtil (Gouvy)
Monsieur Mathieu Close
Bières stout :
"Lienne Noire" - 5,5 % vol.
Brasserie de la Lienne - Lierneux
Monsieur Nicolas Résimont
"Ardenne Stout" - 7,9 % vol.
Brasserie de Bastogne - Vaux-sur-Sûre
Monsieur Philippe Minne
"Lupulus Hibernatus" - 8,5 % vol.
Brasserie Les 3 Fourquets - Courtil (Gouvy)
Monsieur Mathieu Close
Bières fruitées :
"Kriek De Ranke" - 7 % vol.
Brasserie De Ranke - Dottignies
Monsieur Nino Bacelle