The future Second World War memorial project, the Bastone War Museum, was presented in Texas by Fabian Collard, CEO of Idélux, during an AWEX mission in mid November. The local Texan development agency was delighted and filled with enthusiasm over the project, and the district in charge of the project hopes that a partnership will soon be finalized.
The Bastone War Museum will be special and entirely unique, as Fabian Collard explains. "What's completely new is that visitors will take a journey through the eyes of the people that experienced this conflict. This museum marks a turning point in history in the sense that it is a virtual guide that accompanies people on visits. Eye-witness accounts are, indeed, becoming more and more scarce."
American Second World War veterans, as well as representatives of a number of large American companies will be invited to take part in the Museum's inauguration in March 2014.
Source: Le Soir, 04/12/2013
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