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As part of the First World War centenary, the Royal Museum of the Armed Forces and Military History offers you, from 26 February 2014, the large “14-18, It’s Our History!” exhibition.

Thanks to the museum’s rich and unique collections, you will be able to understand all the facets of a war that left the whole of Europe weakened. The first event of 2014, this exhibition, organised by company Tempora, is undeniably the major exhibition of the First World War commemorations.

War and daily life in occupied Belgium are a major part of the exhibition, but you are also invited to (re)discover the mobilisation of the European nations which attempted to liberate Belgium, which had become a key element of the conflict.

This exhibition is a meeting point for everyone’s own history – history with a small h – and History itself – with a capital H.

From 26 February 2014 to 26 April 2015

Royal Museum of the Armed Forces and Military
Parc du Cinquantenaire 3
1000 Brussels
