The first stone of a new distribution centre for the company Lidl has been laid in Marche-en-Famenne, in the presence of the Prime Minister. This 44,000 square metre logistics platform, the company's largest in Belgium, will ensure the creation of more than 100 direct jobs.
"This reaffirms our strategy and confirms Wallonia's place as the European leader in the logistics sector", explained Wallonia Minister of Economy, Jean-Claude Marcourt.
According to the Wallonia minister, the project, which benefited from an investment premium worth 6.5 million euros, represents a total investment of 50 million euros and will lead to the creation of more than 100 direct jobs, "not including the indirect benefits in terms of subcontracting work and other services which Lidl will require in the near future." The new centre should be operational in March 2017.
This investment by the distribution group comes just a few days after the opening by the Italian transport company Lannutti of their main West European hub in Charleroi.
"In the logistics sector, the ecosystem inherent in the competitiveness cluster 'Logistics in Wallonia', is gaining momentum and growing rapidly", explained Mr Marcourt, as Wallonia has invested heavily in the logistics sector in general, and logistics facilities such as Garocentre or the Trilogiport in Liège in particular, to ensure its economic reorientation.
From l’Avenir – 22/02/2016
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