The Liège company is opening a subsidiary in Eastern Europe to launch the production of PVC moulded plastic. Its directors hope to increase European sales and thus create jobs in their headquarters located next to Maurice Dufrasne stadium.
The company specialises in expanded metal, i.e. large pierced metal plates used to reinforce roof installations. The Czech subsidiary will do the same thing, but with PVC, as there is a demand for cheaper materials in Eastern Europe. "We have decided to launch plastics extrusion, based on current trends in the European market", Sales Director Olivier Cremer explained to RTBF. "And in the Czech Republic we found the expertise we need to create this type of moulded plastic."
The subsidiary in Olomouc is being opened using its own capital of 1 million euros and a 400,000 euro loan from Sofinex, a body that works with AWEX (Wallonia Export-Investment Agency) to help Walloon companies export abroad. MDB (Métal Déployé Belge) was able to receive this funding because opening this subsidiary will allow the business to expand its market to Germany and Eastern Europe, creating employment in the parent company in Sclessin.
MDB was founded in 1892 and had English then French owners before being bought by its Belgian directors in 2008. It currently has four main shareholders, with none of them holding a majority. They have one common aim, namely to ensure the continuity and growth of the business.