Of the 28 applicant European regions, the European Commission has selected Wallonia among the six it will support more actively to develop green chemistry, circular economy and biomass projects.
Wallonia has been selected by the EU executive among the six "model demonstrator regions" designated to lead the way in the field of sustainable chemical production, explains Minister Marcourt.
This label, comparable to that recently gleaned by the Region as "European creative district" through "Creative Wallonia" (creativity and innovation to develop the economic fabric), will allow Wallonia to benefit over the next two years from the support and strategic guidance of the Commission to land financing in green chemistry, the circular economy and biomass.
The other winners are Andalusia (Spain), Scotland (United Kingdom), the Dutch provinces of Groningen and Drenthe, the Irish county of Tipperary and the Slovak region of Kosice.
Minister Marcourt welcomed the decision, declaring through his spokesperson that "This kind of good news has the potential to trigger a virtuous circle.” To win this label, the Region was able to draw on its GreenWin and Wagralim competitive clusters, its DGO6 administration, programmes such as Next (strengthening of industrial policy) and Essenscia (chemical and life sciences sector, the second industrial activity in Wallonia) and the not-for-profit association ValBiom (biomass conversion).
The first effects are set to be felt from next March, as part of a call for projects under the European strategy for research and innovation.
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