Brewed with a strict respect for tradition, the Belgian beer “Leopold 7” is expanding internationally, particularly in Africa.
The Leopold 7, which was elected best Belgian beer in 2013, just celebrated its 5th birthday. Not only does it taste so good that you want to go for a second sip, but it is also ecologically produced. Its brewing process was optimized in order to reduce various types of waste: no label, no glue, and use of organic ingredients only. This allows the Marsinne brewery, based in Couthuin, to reach the highest level possible in terms of sustainability.
This traditional and visionary brewery has already brought its Leopold7 beer on the American market, in California, and in Taiwan. And now it’s time to go for South Africa. In order to stick to its ecological principles, the Belgian brewery has decided to brew locally, if the beer is exported further than 300km away from its parent company. Unfortunately, setting up a brewery in Africa is very expensive. But there is no doubt they will succeed in this new adventure.
Source : L’Avenir