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Theater mask, bugaku mask, Gyodo © O. Desart - M.I.C.M., Binche
Theater mask, bugaku mask, Gyodo © O. Desart - M.I.C.M., Binche

The exhibition invites visitors on a journey through the mysteries of Japanese mask culture, which often hovers between the religious and the profane but can also tip over into one extreme or the other. It is this diversity that will be showcased in the course of a visit in three parts: dances, theatre and street festivals. The exhibition will be staged in such a way as to emphasise the role of the mask as a worn object and as part of a sacred, theatrical, festive or other context.

From 18 November 2016 to 19 March 2017 at the Mask Museum in Binche.

Exhibition organised as part of the celebrations marking 150 years of diplomatic relations between Belgium and Japan.
