
Do you crave open spaces, culture or tradition, thrilling events, a break that is both zen and romantic, do you fancy a city trip or an escape to the country? Wallonia invites you to visit its well preserved natural attractions, its castles and fortresses and its well-known Unesco world industrial heritage sites, not forgetting its delicious culinary traditions!



Google, Microsoft, GSK, Baxter, Décathlon and many others have already opted in favour of Wallonia. They have developed their activities there, attracted by the research grants, the geographical position at the heart of Europe and the quality of the logistics infrastructures.


Study in Wallonia-Brussels

Situées au cœur de l’Europe, les universités, hautes écoles, et écoles supérieures d’Art de Wallonie vous proposent une offre de formations diversifiées et accessibles. Ouverte et multiculturelle, la Wallonie a déjà été choisie par de nombreux étudiants du monde pour l’excellence de son enseignement supérieur.



On average, Walloon businesses achieve 66% of their turnover from exports. That is more than double the figure for the rest of the European Union. Industrial, technological or craft products: buying from Wallonia is a guarantee of quality in the conception, design, just in time supply and customer relations.



What formalities need to be completed when I come to Wallonia? Where can I find accommodation or a school for my children? How do I find a job or a study program course?


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Sense of sharing

Dialogue, exchange, proximity, collaboration, corporation and much more.

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With just over 200 inhabitants/km2, Wallonia really is people-oriented and enjoys a wonderful geographic location.

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Technical know-how

Whether you're considering basic or applied research, Wallonia is known and renowned as a region at the forefront of technological development.

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Quality of life

Wallonia is a great region to live in. This exceptional quality of life attracts investors, foreign students and the large numbers of tourists who...

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