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This Belgian, originally from Verviers, has successfully exported his business. He has settled in Copenhagen, offering a piece of Belgium in Denmark to tourists and other people who are interested.

After working for 10 years in a wine store in Copenhagen, Eric Thirion set up his own business just over six years ago. This Belgian expatriate has opened a small restaurant-hotel and shop selling typical Belgian products. Cold meats from the Ardennes, abbey cheeses, chocolates, and, of course, all sorts of Belgian quality beers. He has added some French wines to his specialities, a true delicacy. The establishment, located in Christiania, in the eastern neighbourhood of Copenhagen, attracts visitors from all over the world, as well as home-grown Danes. All are drawn to the street by the Belgian flags hanging next to the door. 
The restaurateur is proud of the location, preferring the peace and quiet of Christiana over the imposing city of Copenhagen. Near the Church of Our Saviour (icon of Copenhagen), "Thirion-Charcuterie et Vins " attracts customers but is not lost among the capital's crowds. 

"Eric Thirion, the friendly owner of this Belgian bar in the city of Copenhagen is a connoisseur of Belgian cold meats and beers, nevertheless the bread is French! He is always happy to chat with his customers. It should also be noted that there is an excellent section of Burgundy wines available for sale. The bar is located below the famous Church of Our Saviour (Vor Frelsers Kirke), which helps visitors to find it when touring the neighbourhood." - Anonymous user.
