Vésale Pharma is a company, based in Namur (Wallonia) specialized in probiotic solutions. It has just concluded an important partnership with the Moroccan pharmaceutical company Bottu, which is present in numerous African countries and therefore provides access to the whole continent.
For several years, Vésale Pharma has been intensively investing in research and development. As a matter of fact, the company holds various worldwide patents, including the famous Intelicaps. It has also just discovered, together with the Pasteur Institute of Lille, the incredible anti-inflammatory properties of one of its strains. These properties are useful in the treatment of obesity and of the metabolic syndrome that causes cardiovascular diseases.
The partnership agreement with Bottu includes distribution, marketing and scientific promotion of four of its main products. It represents a first amount of 600,000 EUR for Morocco, a sum of money that could be revised upwards as soon as distribution expands to other African countries.
“We are starting this year 2017 on a particularly positive note”, explains Jehan Liénart, CEO and founder of the Namur-based company. “This agreement represents a wonderful opportunity for Vésale Pharma and a major first on the African continent. Until now, we haven’t really been present there in a structured way. With this contract, not only the Moroccan market will be opening up to us, but also later on, the whole sub-Saharan market. The pharmaceutical group Bottu is indeed a major actor, as it is present in more than 15 African countries”.
Bottu, which works with over 530 partners, is the second pharmaceutical actor on the Moroccan market, taking all products together. The company has a leading experience on its territory in terms of registration and distribution. It also has 3 production units for its products.
“We are interested in working with a company like Bottu for its expertise in scientific awareness, as the probiotics are an emerging market in Morocco”, says Marleen Van D’Huynslager, Vésale Pharma sales manager.
The launch of the first Vésale products is already expected in late 2017.
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