Regularley, th Interreg France-Wallonia-Flanders programme promotes a project initiated as part of its scope of action. This month, we invite you to discover the Dig-e-Lab project.
In the area targeted by the Interreg France-Wallonia-Flanders programme, there are issues of worker mobility and employability. Often, these issues emerge from a lack of specific training or language knowledge. In parallel, the educational video is experiencing an undeniable success.
The purpose of the Dig-e-Lab project is to create a dynamic of excellence vis-à-vis online training initiatives, using video media, for the cross-border context. The consortium will target initiatives in specific topics: training courses in bilingualism, training courses dedicated to occupations with shortages or which are emerging and training courses in technical occupations with specifics on both sides of the border. The project will not only analyse and adapt existing initiatives from an educational and technological point of view to initiate a mechanism of rivalry, but, on its online platform, will centralise and structure the different courses that exist to train/perfect with the purpose of working in a cross-border context.
Therefore, the objective of the Dig-e-Lab project is to improve cross-border mobility and increase workers’ employability due to online training courses which are more suited to the employment markets. The Aim? To combine research and innovation to create a dynamic of excellence around digital learning.
Dig-e-Lab operates by different types of actions:
- Identifying the online training courses available on cross-border territory
- Analysing this information in order to detect learners’ difficulties with it and providing it with an educational and/or technological response
- Centralising and structuring the various existing online courses to enable learners to train or perfect themselves with the purpose of working in a cross-border environment